Follow Your Dreams – Start of an Amazing Adventure to South Korea

Hi everyone! Welcome to my teaching and travel blog written by yours truly. A little bit about me — I am currently a 4th year Communications major in my last semester at SFU. From the start of February 2017 to the beginning of 2018, I did an incredible teaching Co-op in South Korea and because of the amazing experience I had there, I wanted to create a blog to share about my one year adventure teaching in such a beautiful country. I am so excited to talk about my life in Korea and all the details of how I got this teaching position. There are many reasons why I chose to go Korea to teach and this blog will focus on my experience there including information about the TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) program, advice and tips on teaching, cultural differences, what to expect and more! I will also have a travel diary section on the places I travelled to in Korea such as Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Osu, and of course the city I lived in – Jeonju, home to delicious bibimbap and dazzling scenery!

Here’s a little gallery of my adventure in Korea for you to explore, with more photos and entries to come! 🙂

having lots of fun with my amazing friends!
the beautiful city of Busan
one of the spectacular Hanok villages

Ultra Korea Festival with new friends!
Jeju Island
delicious brunch in Seoul!
More feasting!!

Where would you like to visit in Korea? 🙂

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