5 Reasons to Come Korea to Teach!

Back in February 2017, it was my first time living and working abroad in South Korea, halfway across the world from my friends and family. Of course, I was so nervous, scared, but excited as well. And let me tell you this, I did not regret choosing to do this Co-op at all, and that was why I ended up extending my contract to 6 months more! It was one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences of my life and I’ll tell you the reasons why: 

1. Excellent support through the TaLK program

my TaLK family

It was my first time living abroad in a new country and my first time being an elementary school English teacher. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect, but luckily I had the TaLK program to guide me along the way! The first month in Korea, we go through an intensive, but fun orientation that helped with preparing us on our teaching journey. We had useful classes and practicums that taught us how to be a good and engaging teacher. Korean classes were also a bonus! These classes had definitely prepped me for my new beginning in Korea.

2. Irreplaceable bonds with your students

my wonderful and smart grade 5 class!

I taught at Osu Elementary, a small school filled with incredible students. These students are the ones that have impacted me to stay and continue to teach. When I first arrived at the new and unfamiliar school, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do well and that the language barrier was going to be very tough, but that all changed when I met my students. They were very excited and curious to meet me when I arrived in the classroom, and when it came to question time, I was almost not ready for the questions that made me laugh heartily: “Are you married?” “Do you have a boyfriend?” “Do you have kids?” These past few months have led me to form a close and unforgettable bond with all my students that even the language barrier felt like it barely existed. Everyday I walked into the school and they would all be so friendly and energetic, waving and saying hi to me. At lunch, I would eat with my students and they would try their best to speak in English and have a conversation with me. During break, my little first and second-graders would come to my classroom to play and talk to me. All these moments make me so proud that I taught these amazing students.

3. Gained valuable experience and skills

We all learned so much teaching at our schools!

I have learned so much through this program. Working in a foreign country was tough at first, especially because of the language barrier. But as I continued to work and adapt to a new country, I gained valuable experience and skills. My communication and leadership skills have improved. I have also gained independence skills while teaching students alone and cooperative skills while co-teaching with other teachers.

4. Meeting amazing friends and people

Extended our 6 month contract!

I have met so many wonderful people in Korea — from this work program to people in the supermarkets, gym, convenience stores and many more. Everyone was so accommodating and friendly. Even though there was a language barrier, it didn’t stop us from trying to communicate with one another. I was so grateful to be able to go easily up to someone to ask for help and directions here. The friendships I made here will be forever, especially the friends I made through TaLK.  All of us were from different countries and cities, but we all got along so well and it was a very sad goodbye when we had to leave back to our own cities, countries apart.

5. Make unforgettable memories! Travel, explore and have fun!

On our cultural trip with my Vancouver TaLK buddies!

Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy your time here! There were so many fun places to visit and delicious food to try. Visit the streets of Hongdae and Myeongdong for yummy food and lots of shopping! If you are missing foreign food, head to the streets of Itaewon where there are many restaurants that may remind you of home. Travel to Jeonju where I resided, there was the beautiful hanok village where people dressed up in stunning hanboks to wander around in. Korea was one incredible and unforgettable adventure!

Have you travelled to Korea before? 🙂

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