Process Post 7: Design Edit

I’ll like to thank Kimberly for her great feedback and advice for my blog! Her suggestions were very useful and I tried to change some of my design elements using her advice. I will be discussing why I kept some of these changes as well. I will also be talking about my future design direction and what I hope to achieve for my ideal design as I continue to develop my blog.

Some of her suggestions included:

1. Make the font in the featured image consistent throughout the posts

For the fonts in my featured images, I actually did not want to have all the same font design. I chose certain fonts specifically for different topics because I wanted it to stand out. My travel diaries use a cursive font on the featured images because I wanted to give it a personalized touch.

2. Use a different font size and image on header to make it stand out more

I really appreciate this suggestion because I also wanted to make the header font design and image more unique and brighter, but unfortunately the theme does not allow me to change it. But, I will be keeping this in mind if I decide to change up my whole theme!

3. The sidebar has a lot going on, which can sometimes be distracting

I totally agree with this part, and I decided to remove unnecessary parts in the sidebar. I took out the categories, archives, and meta sections. I do not need the categories section because I already have a menu selection at the top, which shows the different topics for my blog. The archives wasn’t needed too because I do not have many posts to be archived. As for the meta section, I did not know why I had that there because none of the selection on this section was needed.

Future ideas for blog design:

For the future, I might change up my blog to an entirely new theme in the future, once I sharpen up my design skills! It will still be a cheerful and pastel coloured theme. I hope to have a large header banner with clouds and cherry blossoms to resemble travelling to Korea with a button in the centre to click and learn more about me. The header image will include my blog’s name [ Julie in Korea ] and “teach and travel with me in Korea” as my slogan. At the top, I will have a header menu displaying the different topics of my blog. Below the header design will be three circles resembling airplane windows with different images with the three categories: teaching, travel and Posiel. When the images are clicked, it will lead to my different blog posts with featured images. I am not sure when I will be able to implement this design, but I will definitely be working on it!

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