Process Post 4: Goodbye Internet ?!

Error…… page not found …… just kidding, I fortunately enough still have the Internet! But in all honesty, I do not know what I would do without the Internet. It has always been a part of my life, and growing up with it has made me engrained to this addicting quicksand of wonder. Every morning, I will wake up and check my phone to reply to messages and to look at funny memes and cute dog pictures on Facebook. It has become a daily routine to my life, and likewise with most of my friends, I know they are constantly on their phones checking Snapchats or uploading photos on Instagram. Everywhere I go, I see people on their phones and laptops using the Internet for everything, from ordering delivery to booking a flight ticket to Mars!

Sometimes I wonder, have we become slaves of the Internet? What will we do without it ?

I cannot imagine not being able to search up anything instantly or replying to my friends at a touch of a button. We live in a world that probably won’t survive without the Internet. Will losing the Internet disconnect us with the world or can it lead to meaningful, personal conversations with each other instead? Nevertheless, if this last hour ever does come and I will have to say goodbye to the Internet, I will not leave without doing these for the last time:

Talking to my favourite group chat

Shoutout to my best friends, I will not leave the Internet without talking in what we call our “LIT” group chat for the final time. This chat has a lot of importance to me because it is a comfortable and happy zone for me to release my feelings and tell my friends all about my problems and issues, without feeling judged or stressed. We all have different schedules, so it is hard for us to meet up and being able to talk to them online is so valuable to me. Without the privilege of the Internet, it will be hard for us to connect in real time and life.

Browsing my Facebook newsfeed

Without the Internet anymore, my daily routine of scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed will disappear, and sadly I won’t be able to look at my favourite pages of Dogspotting Society, Cool Dog Group and Subtle Asian Traits anymore. Life without having the luxury of going online will be dull and boring. I have connected with so many people online because we all share similar interests with each other. I made new friends with dog owners, and people who have the same cultural background as me, laughing and bonding over things that we didn’t think anyone else would relate to. Communities are formed because of these groups and it will be difficult to stay in contact because most of us are miles and miles away. I will spend some of my last hour saying goodbye to these friends and scrolling through the pictures and posts from these entertaining and heartwarming pages.

Online shopping

Oh, how I love online shopping! It is a form of relaxing therapy for me because I love to slowly browse and choose what I want to buy. Looking at all the different selections and new products, and just the idea of having the package being delivered to me makes me feel so excited. If we have no Internet, I will lose the joy of looking forward for something to come. So if it were my last hour of the Internet, I will definitely be going on my favourite shops: Sephora, Amazon and Yesstyle to fulfill my last online purchasing order.

Final thoughts: What would life be like without Internet?

An important thing to take out of this is: if we lose the Internet, we lose connection and touch to the rest of the world. We will not be able to know current events and anything that is happening in our society instantaneously. There may still be newspaper and magazines, but these type of print methods take time to be printed out, and by the time it is out, it won’t be current anymore. On the other hand, we can still have meaningful connections with people by taking our time to talk to them in person instead of just texting. We can still put effort in making conversations that we did not have before and learn to treasure those around us. Although I sincerely hope we never lose the Internet, maybe being without the Internet can be a good thing if we make it out to be.

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