Process Post 8: Achieving an Audience!

We had Trevor Battye from Clevers Media come in as a guest speaker to talk about content and copyright! It was a very interesting lecture and made me really think about the content of my blog and how the audience views it. This question noted in our Posiel outline came to my mind: “How do we as publishers create a unique presence in an increasingly crowded world of published content?”

When he asked the question of writing down a list of 20 people that would give me 5 dollars for my blog, I stumbled to think of who would be willing to donate money to support my online content. As my blog was about my teaching and travel experience in Korea, the first people that came to my mind were my closest TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) friends, which would be around 8 people. I know they would support my blog because they had been through the same struggles and also the good times with me living in a foreign country. The next 9 people I know would donate would be my good friends and my boyfriend. I was surprised to realize that is already 17 people that would be willing to donate! Finally, the last people that I would ask to donate would of course be my family of 4 – my 2 sisters, mom and dad. Although, I never ask my parents for money, I think they would definitely support my blog. This comes to exactly 21 people that would be willing to donate! But, even though I have over 20 people that are willing to donate, how would I be able to find people outside of my friends and family circle? This was the question that relates to the previous question that came to my mind of “How do we as publishers create a unique presence in an increasingly crowded world of published content?”

What would make the outside audience give us money? In Seth Godin’s book, Tribes, he talks about how the audiences are like tribes, and how we all have a basic need to connect with other human beings. We need to have an audience in order to make our blog known and memorable. We need to have this community to market our blog to or nobody will access it. We also need to know who our audiences are so we can be able to understand what we can do to get them to read the blog. This made me think of the ways I could possibly make my website more known to others. Some examples include working with advertisers and sponsorships to build up the presence of our online blog. Much like how advertising is use to promote a brand, we can use advertising to promote our blog! Another way is to use social media to make your blog more known, such as placing your blog’s website link in your Instagram or linking posts on your blog to your photos and posts. I understand that the process may be slow in building up a well-known presence, but I hope to achieve a higher amount of viewers as my blog continues to progress!

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