Process Post 3: My Online Self and the Visualization of my Blog

My Online Self

Sometimes I ask myself, “Who am I really?” In person, I may come across as friendly and cheerful to those around me and I especially love talking to people who I am close to. I make good bonds and lasting friendships with people easily. But on the other hand, I am closed off and shy to people whom I am not familiar with. Sometimes it may be hard for me to speak up, even though I do try my best and put in effort to talk in front of others. I like to think myself as an introverted extrovert. I enjoy interacting with others, but I also prefer spending time alone and even eating alone. I am a daydreamer and there are always a million thoughts rushing through my head. I seem like a simple person, but my personality is actually a lot complex than one may think. I want to be able to showcase the sincerity of who I am when writing.

In this online blog, I want to be able to express who I am as a person. Through the voice of my blog, I want to keep the authenticity of my real life self within my writing. I want to be an encouraging and friendly writer that encompasses the heart and soul of my experiences to guide those to follow their dreams. I may not be the strongest or most eloquent writer, but I hope I will be able to articulate my feelings and passion of my teaching experience in South Korea.

Reading John Suler’s article, I feel I relate to only a few of the six types of behaviours that can be exhibited online. I most connect with the factor of invisibility. When I am online, I am quite neutral and passive in terms of posting and commenting. I rarely comment on anything I see and prefer to browse quietly through the web. I realize that it is quite similar to my actual self in person. I tend to be the peacemaker in situations and prefer to stay calm in situations that arise. I always think before I speak and have careful consideration when talking with others, as I do not want to ever offend or hurt anyone’s feelings. This is why I created this blog to encourage and help others to feel empowered and motivated.

The Visualization of my Blog

Below is a mind map I created to show how I want my blog to embody:

I created this blog to motivate, encourage, educate, teach, inspire, empower, love, to accept and to have strength. I am passionate in showing that we have what it takes to succeed if we believe in ourselves.

Furthermore, I plan to create an Instagram dedicated to showcasing my beautiful teaching journey and adventure in South Korea. I will also be installing new plugins that were introduced in tutorial to further develop my blog. I downloaded Elementor because I want to make my website more creative and engaging. I plan to test it out and see what happens!

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