Process Post 2 : My Vision Board and Designing the Blog

This vision board blooms a story. A story that involves a year of unforgettable memories in the beautiful country of South Korea. Memories that will be told in this teaching and travel diary! I want this blog to be helpful, inspiring and motivating for people to explore a brilliant new journey and to go on an unexpected and fun adventure!

Some of the topics that will be covered in my blog will be:

  • How I got into the TaLK Program!
  • Preparation and Process of Moving to a New Country
  • Creating a Cozy and Comfortable Home in your New Apartment
  • Cultural Differences and What to Expect in Korea
  • Teaching – Advice and Tips
  • Travel – Cities, Entertainment, Food, Drinks

For the vision of my blog, I had many ideas for the design process. I wanted to create a clean, pleasant and pastel-coloured blog that represented me. It took me a long time deciding on what theme to use and I will probably be updating and changing it as my posts come along. Hopefully, I will be able to create an ideal dream layout and design for this blog! As for the setup and installation process of this blog, it was a bit difficult for me, as I have not used a blog for a long time. I only had experience with using Tumblr back in my high school days many years ago! I had to search online for help in setting up some parts of my theme and blog design. Below are some useful resources I found!

Helpful Resources:

This was a good site I went on to learn about the basics of blogging! There are helpful links and resources located for new bloggers.

I was having trouble trying to add a profile photo to the side bar of my theme and with the help of Google; I found this useful article on widgets. Widgets perform a specific function such as updating search, recent posts, images, comments, archives, categories, meta, gallery and more!

I think this site will be very helpful for the future parts of my blog, for when I want to make it more fancy and unique. It shows a guide for the top WordPress plugins to enhance website design. Some of the plugins I am interested in downloading might be for image editing, web design, gallery, social media, optimization, fonts, and visual effects.

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