Process Post 10: Multi Channel Marketing

We had the pleasure of Darren and Sarah from Capulet Communications come in to talk about multi channel marketing. So what is it? Multi channel marketing is using a variety of marketing channels, in serial or parallel to reach your target audience. All channels are unique and can reach different audiences and achieve different marketing goals. We are able to introduce our blog in multiple of ways such as what they introduced as heartbeats and remarkables.

Heartbeats activities include connecting with our audience through our blog, website, email newsletter, comment threads, likes, news releases, and more. This reminded me of how the high tea and sweets restaurant I work at part time uses a variety of ways to attract people to come. We have a website, WeChat, Facebook, and Instagram to announce promotions and events each month. I also found out recently that my manager hired a social media marketer to promote our Instagram page and we grew a following of 800 followers to over 3000 followers in a few months. This was due to how they market our Instagram page by making it more unique and adding touches of pink to represent our brand. Our Instagram page also holds new special promotions and events each month to gain a larger audience to come to our cafe!

Remarkables are what will create a WOW and KAPOW to your marketing and site! This includes PR stunts, gimmicks, pop-up events, and unique fundraising mechanisms, creating incredible online engagement. Darren and Sarah gave us a fabulous example by showing us 19 Remarkables in 20 minutes. We were asked to come down to hold a sign with a word on it. When my row was asked to come down to hold a sign, I was very intrigued and wondered what we would be doing. They asked the class to read out the signs and they would talk about a short story/campaign from each one until all the signs are finished. They finished in under 20 minutes! All the stories from each sign were amazing and incredibly creative. Some of the signs included: Actual pie chart, delete internet, bulletproof posters, tape tattoos, Uber drones, sidewalk chalk, missing type, Aurora – polar bear, polluted popsicles, shoe vigil, shower glass, fake Louise Instagram, prostate parking, call Brussels, roaches are forever, and polluted popsicles. These innovative campaigns definitely attracted a lot of audience!

What I want to achieve for my blog! πŸ™‚

After the fun and engaging guest lecture, it made me think about how I should integrate transmedia to my own blog. I think for me I want to focus on building a community with my viewers. I want to use my website and Instagram to convey my stories to my audience, while involving them along the way. Transmedia marketing is a way to bring my audience closer by story-telling and having conversations. I think the perfect way to achieve this is to create a community type of forum on my blog! Instead of just hearing my own stories and experience living and travelling in Korea, I want my viewers to share about their own experiences, and to create their own stories and memories on a welcoming shared space that is #julieinkoreacommunity πŸ™‚ My viewers can also use this hashtag to share on Instagram too!

Please check out my new Community page here!

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