Peer Review 1: Thoughts on Thoughtshada

Makshada’s blog 🙂 Check it out !

I love reading and discovering new blogs and this week, I had the pleasure of reading Makshada’s blog on her travel diaries and thoughts on life! Here are some of my own thoughts and inputs about her fun and engaging blog:

Design and Layout

Exploring her blog, I really enjoyed how user-friendly and easy to navigate her blog was. At the top left of her blog is a clear title of her blog’s name and small picture of herself. The menu section is organized neatly at the top with the categories of About Me, Just Life, Travel Diaries, Books for Your 20s, and Academic. Underneath is a banner image titled with “BLOG”. When you scroll down, each of the blog posts are labelled clearly with a featured image. On the side bar section are her recent posts and tags. I love how there is a word cloud of tags because it shows the different type of topics that could be found on her blog. Her theme uses a simple white background and strong, eye-catching colours for her images, which makes it easy to look at. The black font on the blank white canvas background is also clear to read without difficulty.

Word cloud of her tags!


I thought the content and voice of Makshada’s blog was very thoughtful and engaging to read. The tone and language of her posts showcase her realizations through the changes and goodbyes of her travels. I can tell she speaks from her heart when writing about her adventures and I love how it shows in the value and sentiment of her posts. Going through her blog, I sense that it is curated for target audiences in their 20s. The overall vibe of her blog is youthful and engaging to young adults. I am also very excited to see what she will post for the Books for Your 20s section because I want to start reading new books again! What also caught my eye was the use of a quote before the start of each post. The quotes make the posts very unique and adds a nice touch when reading. I like how the quote also relates to what she is writing about. I enjoyed reading the travel diaries and I wonder if she will talk more specifically about the different cities she visited and how it changed her in more depth for her future posts. For the process posts, I liked how it was informative, but she should remember to include embed links such as for the John Suler’s article.

A quote from her blog post! Love it!

Things to take a look at:

All in all, I really loved looking at Makshada’s blog! It was simple and easy to use, but here are a few suggestions I think that could make her blog even more amazing! I think she should include an Instagram link and gallery on the side bar section of her blog to showcase her travels in Europe. It will catch the eyes of her viewers and make the blog even more engaging. Including an Instagram has the potential to attract more viewers to look at her blog page if she links her blog in the Instagram description section. For the homepage banner of the blog, instead of naming it just “BLOG”, perhaps give it a more creative name or what I think will make it even better is changing it to a travel quote like what was used in the beginning of each of her blog posts. It will add a unique and interesting touch to the overall theme of the blog. I also suggest for the menu headings to have subheadings so it will be easier to find a certain type of post. For the travel diaries, I will love to be able to see more pictures included in the posts such as the different cities she travelled to, the people she saw and the activities she did. As for the photos used in her posts, if not taken by herself, there should be a photo credit link included. Another thing to note is to proofread a bit more and add commas to sentences when necessary. I noticed there are some spelling errors, missing punctuation and words in the sentences. For example, use commas before the word “but” to connect the sentences and not make it a run on sentence. Overall, Makshada’s blog is awesome and I will definitely continue following her blog and can’t wait for more exciting posts to come! 🙂

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