Assignment 2: Wonder Woman on Staying Empowered !

“Because no matter how small an act of kindness or generosity or simple positivity you put out into the world, it will make a difference.”— Wonder Woman 

Hello there world! Diana Prince here or you may know me better as Wonder Woman. I was stopping by to visit my dear friend Julie, as I am travelling once again and wanted to visit the pleasant city of Vancouver. Julie kindly asked me if I wanted to guest speak for her blog and I am delighted to share my inspiration and encouragement to you all.

Raised on the island of Themyscira, I have travelled far and beyond to the deepest, darkest perils of the unfamiliar to the brilliant and radiant wonders of the world. Through the bleakest of times and the bitter, virulent days of the unknown, I have stayed strong to my will and to my heart as I conquered through battles of doom and disaster. I fought to bring justice and light by seeking peace and harmony. I hope to bring compassion and inspire positivity to those around me. I stand by the quote Antiope said to me that —

“You are stronger than you believe. You have greater powers than you know.” —Antiope

This was also the quote I said to Julie when I first met her in Korea. It was a quiet, Sunday afternoon as I passed by this quaint, charming city called Jeonju. I came across a little coffee shop and sat down sipping my warm, soothing latte when I noticed a girl in tears near me. She was scribbling notes on a notepad, while working on some kind of lesson plan on her laptop. I gently sat down next to her and asked what was wrong. She told me that it was her first time moving to a new country, thousands and thousands miles away from her loved ones. She was incredibly homesick and wanted to go home. She was scared to move so far away to follow her passion in teaching children and didn’t know if she could succeed. I said to her —

“Please take my handI give it to you as a gesture of friendship and love, and of faith freely given. I give you my hand and welcome you into my dream.” —Wonder Woman

I wanted to let her know that she is not alone and that she also has friends she can depend on in this new city. I told her to not be afraid to follow her dreams and to have faith on what she believes in. There may be struggles at first, but once you keep persevering, you will be able to reach your goals and accomplishments. We must not fear of the unknown, but instead focus on the positive, and the brightness of the world and beyond. Julie looked at me in the eyes and said: “Thank you. Thank you for giving me hope and for making me feel less scared of what is to come. I will work hard and try my best to be able to bring positivity to those around me, and especially to the kids I will be teaching.”

This was the tale of how I became good friends with Julie and I hope by reading her blog, you will all try following your dreams, no matter where it may take you!

It was a great pleasure stopping by and off I go now to explore and save another city! Don’t forget to follow your heart and stay strong and true to your will.

Signing off now,


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